About Us

How we work.

We collaborate with our clients to identify the challenges that are keeping them up at night. We identify what you want to accomplish, then look around the corners to identify potential roadblocks, and implement solutions that close the gap between what is and what can be. 

Our approach uses a unique blend of consulting, coaching, and project management. So your organization gets help implementing the solutions that will deliver the results you need.

How we succeed.

We know that making sure your organization remains sustainable is your top priority. We combine strategic thinking with a practical approach, creating effective tools that can help you move forward and thrive. We actually enjoy designing spreadsheets, cleaning up data, and researching the perfect tool, process, or software to help you reach your goals.

Meet our founder.

photo of Gayle Boyer
Gayle Boyer, Principal

Gayle is passionate about helping small organizations do more with less. Over the past 30 years she has worked in a variety of industries, including healthcare technology, higher education, and nonprofits. Her roles have encompassed everything from training and coaching to program and project management to marketing and technology. She uses that experience to quickly identify the roadblocks her clients are facing as they work to build effective and sustainable organizations. 

“I understand what it means to have an endless list of urgent tasks, money to raise, a team to manage, and volunteers to keep motivated—all with a limited budget and the same 24 hours a day we all have. And I’ve successfully MacGyvered effective solutions with the tools and resources at hand.”

A lifelong learner, along the way Gayle earned a BA at Carleton College and an MA and PhD at Brown University. And read lots and lots of novels. When not “working” or reading, she enjoys hiking, weaving, skiing, or knitting.

If you think we might be a good fit, schedule your free consultation so we can get started creating the results you want for your organization.

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Gayle Boyer and Associates, LLC